Monday, February 15, 2016

Non-compliance of CIC Orders - Suggestions

Date: 14-02-2016                                                                   By email

Central Information Commission, New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Subject:  Non-compliance of CIC Orders - Suggestions

            I thank you for having taken above issue for discussion in minutes of the meeting of CIC dated 28-01-2016 under agenda No. 3, where in it was decided to put  system in place and monitored. In fact, this issue was also taken up in meeting dated 01-04-2014 [agenda No. 1].  As a citizen interested in good governance as emphasized by Hon’ble Prime Minister I contribute as under, which may kindly be taken into consideration while formulating system:

01. On receipt of non-compliance complaint [NCC] by CIC, separate serial number  [ say suffixed with NCC alphabets or six number digit starting with 100001] should be allotted [ and not treated as regular complaint number filed u/s 18 RTI Act]. NCC should be separately queued up in system of each registry for priority action, monitoring and MIS. At present NCC are being attended and heard like normal complaints filed under section 18, which further delays compliance by nearly  18-24 months, making mockery of RTI.

02. Registry should issue first notice to CPIO with copies to FAA, Head of PA and complainant and give 15 days’ time from date of receipt by CPIO for ensuring compliance under intimation to CIC. This first notice should be mailed / emailed within 10 days of receipt of NCC by CIC. Format of first notice should be fill-in-the-blanks type. I hope at least 75% defaulting CPIOs would comply with orders on receipt of first notice.

03.In first notice itself CPIO should be advised to submit within 15 days of receipt of notice, his explanation for non-compliance within time limit mentioned in original CIC order and why penalty/additional penalty should not be imposed and disciplinary action under service rules be not recommended by CIC. Complainant should be advised to intimate to registry in 30 days of receipt of copy of first notice, by mail or email, if CIC orders are not properly complied.

04. In Gujarat Information Commission [GIC], I had found few years back that on receipt of NCC, GIC would send by post pre-printed notice within 7-10 days to defaulting PIO/FAA/PA, with copy to complainant. Mostly on receipt of such a notice orders of GIC would be complied with. I suggest this should be adopted by CIC as best practice.

05. Since large number of NCC would have piled up at present, separate officer/legal advisor and computer operator should be assigned work of sending first notices as above to clear backlog.

06.  Ld. Information Commissioners should be persuaded to invariably levy penalty on defaulting CPIO in cases of NCC and recommend disciplinary action to govt department. Copy of this order should be mailed/ emailed directly to head of public authority. This will make RTI more effective and over a period of time number  of NCC will be reduced.

07. Email IDs of CPIO, FAA, Head of PA and disbursing officer of CPIO should be ordered to be provided by attending officer at the time of hearing by adding a small para in hearing notice itself, This will enable CIC to communicate by email thereby saving on postal charges, delay, cost and also environment. It will also be part of Digital India program of Central govt. Complainant should be advised to preferably give his email ID in appeal/complaint or at the time of hearing in person/video-conferencing.

08. In case if still non-compliance [including defective compliance] continues, second notice imposing penalty and recommending disciplinary action should be issued after giving hearing in person or through audio/video conferencing.

09. Each Ld IC should review position of NCC at least once in 15 days on a fixed day and corrective steps initiated in his registry.

10. Once CPIOs come to know through print media and social network of effective system for compliance, penalties and disciplinary action, defaulting CPIOs will start compliance before getting even first notice of NCC.

11. Monthly review by you or Chief IC may be undertaken for NCC cases and corrective measures taken.

Yours faithfully,
J P Shah

Copy to:

Under Secretary- RTI, DoPT,  GoI, New Delhi

Email ID:

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